People of Satara

The citizens of Satara are best known for their social harmony. History has witnessed the sacrifice made by the people from this region for friendships and loyalty to their master.

Very friendly and laid-back life loving people, they are very hospitable and their warmth and affection can be seen in the way they treat you when you are their guest.

Brave hearts!
Majority of Maharashtrian soldiers for the Indian Army are from Satara district. It is said that there are villages around Satara where every second house has a son fighting for our country.

Art lovers!
The people of Satara are artists at heart. There has been a trend for generations that proves that Satarkars do enjoy and appreciate arts very well.

If you ask a Satarkar for the road to some place, he’ll tell you a shortcut on your way.

Satara is a great place to live in and travel. Wherever you go, you are surrounded by nature. The local community is friendly and supportive. Travel facilities around the locations in Satara make it easy and comfortable for those consumed with wanderlust.

Satara Statistics
As per 2022 census, the population of Satara District is 3,214,146. The average literacy of the region is 80%. Hinduism is the predominant religion of Satara. However, people from other religious practices such as Islam and Christianity also reside harmoniously.

Marathi, the official language of Satara, is widely spoken by the natives in Satara. Additionally, Hindi, the official language of the country, is commonly spoken here. Owing to the high literacy rate of Satara, English too is widely understood by the people. Kannada and Gujarati are the other languages that are also spoken here.